Fachhochschule Düsseldorf
University of Applied Sciences |
9. November 2009 |
IntraMuros 2009 (mk) On the occasion of the "Material and profession" symposium held in the Winter semester 2009/2010 at the PBSA, the department's traditional IntraMuros project week in November 2009 was given a meta-level topic for the first time. More than a dozen workshops invited the students to occupy themselves with materials that do not usually belong to the traditional repertoire of architectural design. The students of Prof. Dierk van den Hövel thus investigated possible ways of using textiles in architecture in the "Finely woven" workshop. "In view of the fact that clothing also has an architectural function as bodily cover, the question concerned how to make use of textile structures in buildings", is how Prof. van den Hövel explains the background to the project. The different methods of approach, yet also common design features, were taught by an architect, Wolfgang Esser (Dipl.-Ing.), and a textile designer, Barbara Esser (Dipl.-Des.). This opened up fully new perspectives for the students involved, as the student Aysun Gözcü enthusiastically sums up: "Combining textiles with architecture and linking these in the true sense of the word was a completely new experience for me, as well as being an absolute enrichment". |
Filigrane textile Strukturen wurden von den Studierenden auf ihre architektonische Nutzbarkeit untersucht. Unter dem Motto „Gips mit Grips“ ließen die Studierenden dem oft unterschätzten Material ungeahnte künstlerische Ehren zuteil werden. Im Innenhof der PBSA entstand durch verknüpfte Seile eine Netzstruktur, die den Blick öffnet für die gestalterische Anwendung leichter Raumgewebe. Zwar nicht ganz trockenen Fußes, aber dafür auf umso originellere Art konnte man während der IntraMuros-Woche durch eine spiralförmige Holzkonstruktion vom Altbau zum Erweiterungsbau kommen. Fotos (4): Jörg Reich |
FH Düsseldorf |